Sam Hosseini
Massage & Athletic Therapist
Sam graduated from York University with a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Health Sciences, as well as a certificate in the University’s Athletic Therapy program. He is also a graduate from the Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy, and a certified personal trainer since 2018.
Sam has worked with a variety of athletes and individuals from various backgrounds, which has allowed him to develop a comprehensive understanding in helping people return to sport, continue playing, and to perform at their best. He thoughtfully combines the disciplines of Athletic Therapy, Massage Therapy, and Strength Training to help his patients reach their short and long-term goals using reliable evidence-based practices.
He is highly dedicated to constant improvement and life-long learning as a healthcare practitioner. He looks forward to taking new courses and aspires to pursue teaching in the future to assist the next generation’s practitioners. In his spare time, he enjoys playing soccer, scuba diving, surfing, reading, and playing the drums